Oracle 快速卸载数据到文本文件

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Oracle 快速卸载数据到文本文件

2024-07-17 22:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





下面的核心代码出自adrian billington。自定义函数使用utl_file包输出数据,并且使用pipeline函数并行输出。使用这种方案的好处是:



代码语言:javascript复制-- 建立目录 create or replace directory "mydir" as '/home/oracle/'; -- 建立对象 create or replace type dump_ot as object ( file_name varchar2 (128), directory_name varchar2 (128), no_records number, session_id number, start_dttm timestamp with time zone, end_dttm timestamp with time zone ); -- 建立对象表 create or replace type dump_ntt as table of dump_ot; -- 建立函数 create or replace function data_unload ( p_source in sys_refcursor, p_filename in varchar2, p_directory in varchar2, p_unique_filename in varchar2 default 'n', p_create_log_file in varchar2 default 'n') return dump_ntt pipelined parallel_enable(partition p_source by any) as /* p_source sql query you spool p_filename targe file name p_directory targe oracle directory p_unique_filename create unique file name? y/n (appends unique sid to p_filename) - useful only for parallel unload p_create_log_file create log file? y/n (creates separate log file and logs every 1mm rows) - has very small performance hit on the spool */ type row_ntt is table of varchar2 (32767); v_rows row_ntt; v_file utl_file.file_type; v_log_file utl_file.file_type; v_buffer varchar2 (32767); v_sid varchar (255); v_name varchar2 (255); v_lines pls_integer := 0; v_start_dttm timestamp with time zone := systimestamp; v_end_dttm timestamp with time zone; v_create_log boolean := false; c_eol constant varchar2 (1) := chr (10); c_eollen constant pls_integer := lengthb (c_eol); c_maxline constant pls_integer := 32767; c_log_limit constant pls_integer := 1000000; begin v_sid := lpad (sys_context ('userenv', 'sid'), 10, '0'); v_name := p_filename; if trim (upper (p_create_log_file)) = 'y' then v_create_log := true; end if; -- add sid (must be used for parallel spooling, single spooling or spooling across db-link creates alsway one file) if upper (p_unique_filename) = 'y' then v_name := v_name || '_' || to_char (v_sid); end if; v_file := utl_file.fopen (p_directory, v_name, 'w', c_maxline); if v_create_log then v_log_file := utl_file.fopen (p_directory, v_name || '.log', 'w', c_maxline); utl_file.put_line ( v_log_file, to_char (v_start_dttm, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss:ff3') || ' --> start'); utl_file.fflush (v_log_file); end if; loop fetch p_source bulk collect into v_rows limit 10000; for i in 1 .. v_rows.count loop if lengthb (v_buffer) + c_eollen + lengthb (v_rows (i))




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